Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Matter

As we approach the end of a year it's completely natural to start thinking about what we want to accomplish in the coming year. David reflects on the custom of creating New Year's Resolutions, and ultimately why he thinks they don't matter if there aren't mechanisms in place to ensure they are achieved and that we are accountable.

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

01:00 - 2021 was another extraordinary year. It was the second year of the pandemic and all of us have been through so much both personal and professional. Many people took time to reflect on what they had just been through — all that they had endured and survived.It's natural as we approach the end of a year to consider everything that we set out to do, and more importantly, where we ended up. Did we achieve everything that we hoped?02:16 - It almost doesn't matter what our New Year's Resolutions are because over 90% of them evaporate before the need of the third week of the new year. Can you imagine that? Some people say that it takes 231 days to develop a habit around something, but David believes it takes closer to 2 or three months to adopt new behaviors or habits.04:13 - Now that we are halfway through 2022, it's a great time to take a personal inventory to determine whether we are still on track to achieving what we set out to do earlier in the year.06:02 - If you're not on track to achieving your goals this year, don't lose hope. David submits that there is still plenty of time but it requires revisiting your action plan and focusing on the daily actions required to achieve the overall goal.07:51 - When taking personal inventory, consider how many days out of the week you are showing up the "play the game." Look at your week, month, quarter, and year to get an understanding of how you perform. This exercise can enlighten new moves that must be taken to achieve the overall goal.10:11 - A key aspect to achieving uncommon success is to acknowledge what you've been doing well, but David also cautions that we must do so responsibly so that we don't become delusional. We must also be honest with ourselves.

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