In previous episodes of The David Spisak Show, David has asked that you take time to conduct a couple of different types of inventory.
The first one was taking an inventory of your personal attributes, your personality traits, and things of that nature. This second inventory I asked you to take was based on your own work experiences.
In this episode, David explores how you can leverage all of that newfound information to grow your business.
What David shares in this episode:
- Everyone wants to increase their client count and decrease client churn but often focuses their attention in the wrong direction.
- Peter Drucker once taught that there are only three ways to grow a business. You either have to get more clients or have to get existing clients to buy more often, or you have to get your clients to pay more or spend more during each opportunity.
- Today it is optional to waste money on advertising. There’s enough science and analytics out there that you really can refine your approach if you take the time to learn the necessary platforms.
- It’s important to really take the time to get to know your ideal target audience. Do you know why your top 10% of customers are so in love with you? Do you know when they spend twice or three times or fives times as much as your other customers or clients?
- You want client satisfaction, not customer satisfaction. A customer is somebody who transacts in the short term. There is no relationship. In order to build a business off of customers, you need boatloads of dealers
- There’s a great saying in business. “You’d rather apologize for price one rather than apologize for poor service.”
- Providing personalized service for each customer is an integral part of David’s success.
- Listen to the full episode for even more insights from David.
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